In the legends of King Arthur... nobles, soldiers, and the Lady of the Lake all say you're too wimpy to become a Knight. Prove them wrong!
Join a young dragon to make the biggest treasure hoard! An addictive puzzle game with 120 challenging levels, plus editor.
In this epic 4X strategy game, play a wizard to conquer the world using your armies and powerful spells.
Deluxe Edition of our epic fairy tale adventure game. Save the beleaguered kingdom from goblins, faeries, and an evil sorcerer!
Explore the rich world of Nordic mythology as warrior, sorceress, or rogue, and stop the Herald of Ragnarok!
As a slacker student, cheat your way past your exams in this Harry Potter parody.
Find the lost cheese, dodge hedgehogs, and battle the evil Moby Duck in this fast-paced platform game!


A freeform pen-and-paper role playing system that is easy to learn, developed over a couple years with numerous playtesters, and featured in the now-defunct DragonScroll webzine.

Simplicity - the number of rules and amount of dice rolling is kept to a minimum. This accounts for good flexibility, making it easy to grasp the rules and create a character.

Realism - the world should be realistic after accounting for magic. The rules should be balanced, and that logical things happen. This also means that combat is very lethal.

Development - your character starts out weak but gets the option of improving every session by gaining experience. Players can also add own inventions of skills, traits, spells or equipment to the game.


A card game developed for the anniversary of the city of Enschede, requested by the municipality and designed by me and a group of friends. Its simple gameplay involves scoring points in several areas, such as safety and nature. The game features pictures taken from the city, and was distributed among over 50,000 citizens.

As a long-standing member of the local boardgaming club, I've written several gaming-related articles and puzzles for their newsletter. I've also had a hand in a number of unreleased board and card games, with themes varying from elections to the Loch Ness monster, and from a card game with hidden rules to a board game of Leylines. And no game designer would be without a set of custom Magic: the Gathering cards.


As a powerful wizard, you start by ruling a small nation as you plot to take over the world! Rule over seven diverse races, from shapeshifting Theria, to spider-riding Dwarves, to the decadent Regency. Explore a vast fantasy world, expand by building more cities, battle the armies of rival wizards, and cast earth-shattering enchantments to ensure your victory.

Leylines is a 4X game, a turn-based strategy game of exploration and conquest. The game features seven unique races with each their own tech tree; over 180 units in total, including summons and customizable hero units; and 90 diverse spells. Fast gameplay that avoids micromanagement; tactical terrain effects; and local multiplayer with hotseat and/or splitscreen.

"Leylines has many advanced options that allow you to have fun creating power according to their own preferences." - 8AppStore

"I really like the intense variety between the races ... you’ve got some amazing variety." - Jay


A parody of amateur adventure design, this metagame consists of a simple treasure hunting game, and a complex editor needed to complete it. The editor and its assistant Cuppit are all part of the game; anyone involved in game or level design should appreciate the humor.

The editor is an exercise of twisted logic and lateral thinking. You have to see it to believe it; with its offbeat controls, inventory items that kill you, and intentional misspellings, it's the weirdest thing since sliced bread!

META is based on Adventure Game Studio, the platform for most of our games, and is runner-up for two AGS Awards.

"A great game, with some of the best puzzles I have ever seen in an AGS game. Kudos!" - David Cooper

"Possibly the most original concept I've ever seen in an AGS game! ... The puzzles are deviously ingenious. This is what I like - thinking outside the box!" - Trovatore

Larry Lotter and the Test of Time

It is time for final exams at the Magic University, and notorious slacker Larry Lotter is about to flunk all of them because he spent less time studying and more time drinking beer. His last hope is to cheat like there's no tomorrow! Using a spell to reverse time, he gets the chance to do his day over again until he passes. His Destiny has spoken!

Join Rob Greasley, Calliope DeRanger and Professor Mumblemore in this short Harry Potter parody, loosely based on the greatly admired books by J.K. Rowling. Watch the other characters interact in real time, and spin time back and forth to interfere. The game is fully voiced.

MAGS contest winner.

"Combines sarcasm with innovative gameplay and great graphics ... the overall story is very entertaining." - FrostClick

"Great little game! I love how the characters wander round doing their own thing and talk to each other." - Pelican

A Tale of Two Kingdoms

The ancient kingdom of Theylinn is beset by enemies. Within the castle walls, nobles vie for the old king's favor, and not everybody is happy with the sole heir to the throne, princess Rhiannon.

Meanwhile, danger approaches, in the form of an invading army, a hostile giant, and a mercenary troop who are ancient enemies of the Theylann king...

A Tale of Two Kingdoms is a graphical adventure in the world of Celtic mythology and fairy tales, with many sidequests and alternate endings. It was named Game of the Month by PC Zone UK, Game of the Year by Screen7, and won four AGS Awards including Best Animation and Best Puzzles.

"If ATOTK came out during the genre's heyday, we'd probably be waxing nostalgic about it today in the same breath as King's Quest."Games for Windows

"Most of the hand-drawn backgrounds are little works of art ... It offers a replay value that’s unseen in most adventures." - HardcoreGaming101

"A Tale of Two Kingdoms simply blew me away ... This game is a great achievement ... Final Grade: A" - Just Adventure

Quest for Yrolg

Deep within his dungeon, Yrolg the Necromancer is summoning a mighty demon to conquer the World. Three brave adventurers, a warrior, a rogue and a sorceress, come to his lair to disrupt this dark ritual. Your job is to stop them!

Should the heroes succeed, your Master will be slain, his reign of terror ended, and the world shall be covered with flowers and puppy dogs. That must never happen - this time, evil shall prevail!

A short adventure game where you play a minion of darkness, using your wit and guile to lead the heroes into traps and to a nasty demise. Runner-up for S7's Game Of The Year award; includes voice acting.

"An excellent point-and-click fantasy adventure." - Gnome's Lair

"The graphics are fantastic and the voice acting is top notch." - Quinny

Vector Vendetta

A frantic and addictive shooting game in vector graphics: kill the evil polygons before they kill you! Who needs a plot? Just sit back, dodge, and keep blasting until you reach the boss monster!

Featuring twenty different enemies that chase you, snipe from the corners, or blast you with a frickin' laser beam; selectable upgrades to boost your speed or firepower; and several play modes and difficulty levels to keep it fresh. And of course it has a two-player mode to share the madness!

"First I thought this is too retro but hell, it's entertaining." - Matti

"Bless me, this is a brilliant little game! Anyone else so obsessed with this little gem?" - Musica Ferrum

Starship Quasar

On the starship Quasar, the lack of shore time causes tension to run high. The latest argument has proved too much, with each of the crew stalking off to different parts of the ship. To the medical officer, bringing these warring characters back together will be no easy task.

In this short adventure game, you control four different characters as they explore the ship, each with their own skills and reactions to the environment. Instead of on puzzle solving, the game focuses on the personalities of the characters and their interactions. The game is fully voiced.

"A science fiction tale whose restricted setting proves no obstacle to telling a compelling story." -

"A competent and surprisingly pretty little adventure game that satisfyingly achieves what it set out to do." - PC Gamer

Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok

Explore the rich world of Nordic mythology! Egther, last of the Frost Giants, has sworn to turn all the world to ice. A young heroine is called to fight him, but first she must survive the harsh environment, battle hostile trolls, and deal with many creatures and characters from the classic myths.

Heroine's Quest is an adventure / RPG inspired by the classic Quest For Glory series, and was voted 69th All-Time Best Computer RPG by RpgCodex. Best of all, it's completely free!

Play as fierce warrior, cryptic sorceress, or elusive rogue. Their skills can be customized and each has her own solutions and sidequests, offering great replay value. Are you up to the quest, or will you die trying?

Best Adventure Game of the Year in the AGS Awards. Has a leaderboard on

"As perfect a tribute to Sierra's classic Quest for Glory series as you could hope for." - Kotaku

"Arguably surpassing the series that Lori Ann and Corey Cole created with an intricate Nordic setting and deeper roleplaying mechanics." - HardcoreGaming101

"It's great to see a female-centric heroic quest." - Corey Cole

"The attention to detail is staggering ... Heroine’s Quest is a glorious adventure-RPG hybrid." - RockPaperShotgun

Indiana Rodent: Raiders of the Lost Cheese

In this fast-paced platform game, you take the role of the Mouse With The Hat and go in search of the vaunted Lost Cheese. Traverse forests, deserts, and the Halls of Illusion; jump over hedgehogs, hitch a ride on a turtle, and evade vicious snakes - all for the reward of more cheese than you could ever eat, and what more could a mouse want?

The game was made for a charity fundraiser that raised over $4000. It won two OROW awards and was runner-up for four AGS awards. As befits a platformer, it has hidden objects to collect, unlockable game modes, and the vicious Moby Duck as boss monster!

"Gameplay-wise Indiana Rodent is pure gold ... a platformer that earns its place in almost any platformer lover's heart easily." - PC Game Reviews

"Very good response and smooth scrolling, it was very satisfying to beat." - Ghost


Sara wants to go out and play in the sunshine, but she has a few errands to complete before she does that. Nothing special, just sweeping her room, feeding the dog, that sort of thing.

What could possibly go wrong?

Is it the hidden treasure map? The village of terrified elves, right in your kitchen? Surely a little girl can clean her room without being assaulted by a firebreathing dragon... right?

A short adventure game with two endings, voice acting, and epic soundtrack!

MAGS contest winner.

"Beautiful art and music. Delightful and imaginative game." - Shadow

"I'm now kind of terrified about what state my daughter might leave the house in when she's a bit older though!!" - Captain D

Sub Terra Draconis

Newly hatched from an egg, our young dragon searches for the important things in life. And to a dragon, that means treasure! Search underground mazes and solve elaborate puzzles in your quest for gems, and see if you can hoard enough to impress the other dragons!

A classic puzzle challenge, featuring over a hundred levels and many different objects including treasure chests, replicators, floating balloons, fire beams, thieving elves, conveyor belts, gravity switches, and many more! Between all these traps, the levels require a good mixture of reflex action and thoughtful planning; and the varied mechanics keep things interesting to solve.

The puzzles are fair: no luck-based puzzles, no searching for walls you can walk through, and all time limits are optional.

Finally, a powerful level editor lets you make your own levels and share them on the Steam workshop.

"One of, if not the best puzzle game ever ... It's definetely worth a try for any puzzle fan. 4.9 / 5." -

"Solid gameplay mechanics that makes for hours of enjoyment." - MobyGames

"Exciting and relaxing at the same time, SubTerra is guaranteed to provide you with many hours of pure enjoyment." - Home Of The Underdogs

Featured on television by Locomotion.


Beer! is a collection of frantic minigames where you have ten seconds to grab the beer! Easy to pick up and difficult to master, this game rewards quick and out-of-the-box thinking. It comes with a cheerful cafe-style soundtrack, and assorted cast of bears and deer.

Designed for a community fundraiser, Beer! includes 33 levels, a secret bonus round, and several cameos. Suitable for all ages; alcohol not included.

"The concept was brilliant: seemingly mindless speed-click game that actually really makes you think about how to solve each puzzle." - Baron

"It's a fun time waster and casual enough to pick it up for a short round (pun intentional)." - Ghost

Oceanspirit Danish

A Shakespearean adventure! Watch Oceanspirit Dennis and his companions Ray and Mr. Cheeses as they stumble through the plot of Hamlet, order too much room service, and make a general mess out of Denmark.

There are lots of combat scenes with an innovative rune engine, and as befits a Shakespearean tragedy, most of the cast dies like mayflies. With dialogue written by The Bard himself, how can you resist a game like this? As Guildencheese says, "Squeak!"

MAGS contest winner.

"A great combat system, and a full on taste of a Shakespeare like story ... a recommended free adventure!" - Indie Retro News

"It's really funny! And well done." - AprilSkies

Monkeys to the Moon!

Would you believe the MOON is a banana? Well, the monkeys do! And they're not going to take that lying down! Using spare wood, electric eels, and gratuitous reed they plan to build a rocket to fly to the world's biggest banana! In space!


Control up to 25 monkeys in an RTS'like puzzle game

Scour the jungle for resources, build crafting workshops, breed more monkeys, and build The Rocket!

Don't forget to defend yourself from hungry snakes.

MAGS contest winner.

Runner-up for two AGS Awards.


Search the maze for keys and treasure! John 'DRJ' Vanderaart is one of the first published game designers from the Netherlands, best known for "Eindeloos". Herby was his first game on the C64, which I played as a child. This is also my first game, as I did a remake in BASIC back then. Decades later I found out I still had the source code, so I decided to update it to more modern systems.

Featuring one maze by DRJ, one by myself, and a random maze generator; and the famous Popcorn as background music. Unlike the originals, this one has save points and an automap.


A stealth roguelite where you sneak through the forest of Sherwood to rescue Robin Hood from the Sheriff of Nottingham; originally created for the 7-Day RogueLike contest, and later expanded.

  • Enemies can see, hear, and/or smell you!
  • Stun soldiers with rocks and steal their stuff!
  • Procedurally generated areas!
  • Bribe common enemies with gold and/or raw meat!
  • Invisibility potions!
  • Rescue the gang of Merry Men!
  • Art and music courtesy of OpenGameArt!

Sir Bob: Squire for Hire

In the legends of King Arthur, meet Sir Launcelot the Brave! Sir Sagramore the Just! And Sir... Bob... who I'm sure has a great personality!

Take the role of the eager but clumsy squire Bob; as nobles, soldiers, and the Lady of the Lake all say you're too wimpy to become a Knight. Can you prove them wrong?

This lighthearted adventure game features well-known and lesser-known characters from the King Arthur legends, taking inspiration from the famous classics and offering fun for all ages. Any similarity to any person actually named Bob, or for that matter Launcelot, is purely coincidental.

Coming soon-ish!


Latest News

2024: Competitions

  • Dec 21: Sub Terra: Golemworks expansion pack has been released.
  • Dec 19: Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok has been ported to MacOS, and translated into German.
  • Jul 26: Beer!, the collection of fast-paced minigames, has been updated to v1.6.
  • Jun 13: Beer! and the Crystal Shard Adventure Bundle have been published on GOG.
  • Jun 11: Sub Terra Draconis, the gem hoarding action/puzzle game, has been translated into Brazilian Portuguese in v1.6.
  • May 31: Blackbird Pie has a public beta version for the MAGS contest.
  • Apr 30: Sherwood, the stealth roguelite, has been updated to v0.2 for the MAGS contest.
  • Apr 5: Beer! has been updated to v1.5.
  • Apr 5: for the Crystal Shard Adventure Bundle, META has been updated to v1.5, Larry Lotter and Quest for Yrolg to v2.2, and Starship Quasar to v2.4.
  • Mar 10: Sherwood has a public alpha version for the 7-Day RogueLike challenge.
  • Feb 13: Leylines, the fantasy turn-based strategy game, has been published on GOG and on Humble Bundle.


2023: GOG and Zoom

2020 - 2022



2019: Draconic Legacy

  • Dec 31: Sub Terra Draconis has been published on Itch as v1.1.
  • Dec 8: Sub Terra Draconis, the gem hoarding action/puzzle game, has been released.
  • Mar 13: Herby, a port of my first game ever, has been released.
  • Mar 10: Vector Vendetta, the frantic shooting game, has been updated to v2.4.
  • Jan 28: Leylines has been updated to v1.3.
  • Jan 8: Leylines has been published on Steam as v1.2.

2018: Leylines Legacy

  • Nov 19: Leylines, the fantasy turn-based strategy game, has been released.
  • Aug 16: Oceanspirit Danish has ben updated to v1.2.
  • May 17: Errand has been translated into Polish.
  • Mar 24: A Tale of Two Kingdoms wins the AGS Award for best game of the year.
  • Feb 25: adds a section on Heroine's Quest.
  • Feb 15: META, the AGS meta-game, has been published on Steam.
  • Feb 5: Heroine's Quest is covered in a book on the History of Computer RPGs.
  • Feb 5: Beer! has been published on Steam as v1.2.
  • Jan 28: All our guides and walkthroughs are now also hosted on GameFaqs and NeoSeeker.
  • Jan 3: Crystal Shard Adventure Bundle, Heroine's Quest, and Beer! have been published on Humble Bundle.


2017: Return to the Two Kingdoms

2016: Greenlight and Linux

  • Dec 17: Larry Lotter and Quest for Yrolg have been published on and GameJolt.
  • Dec 17: Heroine's Quest has been ported to Linux and translated into Russian in v1.2.3.
  • Dec 15: The Crystal Shard Adventure Bundle has been released, including Larry Lotter v2.0 with Spanish and Russian, Quest for Yrolg v2.0 with Italian, Starship Quasar v2.3 with Dutch, Italian, and Polish; and Linux ports for all three games.
  • Dec 9: Oceanspirit Danish has been ported to Linux.
  • Dec 4: META has been ported to Linux in v1.3.
  • Dec 3: Root of all Evil, the Reality On The Norm adventure game, has been ported to Linux in v1.2.
  • Nov 27: Errand has been translated into Japanese and German and ported to Linux in v1.4.
  • Oct 19: Starship Quasar, Heroine's Quest, and Beer! have been published on GameJolt.
  • Oct 11: The Crystal Shard Adventure Bundle is now listed on Steam Greenlight.
  • Sep 20: Infinite Monkeys, the MAGS anniversary adventure, has been translated into Portuguese and ported to Linux in v1.3.
  • Aug 31: Monkeys to the Moon, a jungle-based real time strategy puzzle, has been released.


2015: Summer Shards

  • Nov 8: Quest for Yrolg is played on line for the Extra Life charity.
  • Sep 5: Summer Shards #3 Infinite Monkeys v1.2.
  • Aug 30: Summer Shards #2: Oceanspirit Danish v1.1.
  • Aug 22: Summer Shards #1: Beer! v1.1.
  • Aug 16: Summer Shards has started; we'll release a game per week for as long as possible!
  • Aug 2: Elissa, our lead artist, now has a Tumblr.
  • Jul 20: Starship Quasar, Heroine's Quest, and Beer! have been published on
  • Apr 2: Starship Quasar has been published on the now-defunct AdventureGamers store.
  • Mar 10: Heroine's Quest and Errand have been published on Fireflower.
  • Mar 5: Starship Quasar has been published on the now-defunct Desura.
  • Feb 2: META has been updated to v1.2.
  • Jan 26: Errand has been published on Fireflower, including Spanish translation, as v1.3.
  • Jan 21: Starship Quasar has been published on Fireflower, and has been translated into Portuguese and Russian in v2.0.
  • Jan 19: Our website has been redesigned for our fifteenth anniversary!
  • Jan 13: Heroine's Quest is voted fourth Best RPG of the Year by RPG Codex!

2014: Steam and Patreon

  • Jul 11: Heroine's Quest has been published on Desura.
  • Jun 15: The second Bake Sale closes after raising $1121 from 73 donations.
  • Jun 10: Our Patreon campaign is launched to support our future game design.
  • May 10: RPG Codex ranks Heroine's Quest as the 69th Best Computer RPG of all time!
  • May 5: Beer!, a collection of fast-paced minigames, has been released for the second AGS Bake Sale.
  • Apr 30: Oceanspirit Danish, a combat-based parody of Shakespeare's Hamlet, has been released.
  • Mar 20: Heroine's Quest has been published on Steam as v1.2.
  • Mar 9: Heroine's Quest wins the AGS Awards for best game, story, gameplay, background art, portrait art, animation, music, sound, puzzles, dialogue, and voice acting!
  • Feb 26: Errand has been translated into Italian and Portuguese in v1.2.
  • Feb 5: Heroine's Quest has been updated to v1.1.
  • Jan 19: Heroine's Quest gets published on Steam.
  • Jan 4: Another Let's Play video of Heroine's Quest has been released on YouTube.


2013: The Herald of Ragnarok

2012: Bake Sale Charity

  • Dec 21: Quest for Yrolg has been translated into Italian in v1.8.
  • Dec 11: Larry Lotter has been translated into Italian in v1.7.
  • Nov 5: Errand, a young urban fantasy adventure, has been released.
  • May 3: King's Quest III (not +) is nominated for AGS Awards for best programming and best gameplay.
  • Apr 23: Starship Quasar now has a voice pack and has been translated into French and German in v1.1.
  • Mar 1: The AGS Bake Sale closes after raising $4198 for charity from 1074 donations.
  • Feb 11: A Let's Play video of Indiana Rodent has been released on YouTube.
  • Feb 10: Indiana Rodent appears on TV, courtesy of Reviews on the Run.
  • Jan 21: A Tale of Two Kingdoms has been translated into Hungarian in v1.3.
  • Jan 20: Indiana Rodent has been released as part of the AGS Bake Sale.
  • Jan 18: Our website is blacked out as part of the Strike Against SOPA.


2011: Characters and Action

2010: Heroine's Quest

  • Nov 14: Quest for Yrolg has been translated into Turkish in v1.6.
  • May 15: Cup-Man, a trial for a pac-man game, has been released.
  • May 13: Vector Vendetta, the frantic shooting game, has been updated to v2.3.
  • Mar 20: Heroine's Quest officially becomes a Crystal Shard game.
  • Feb 23: Quest for Yrolg has been translated into German in v1.5.
  • Feb 15: Infinite Monkeys wins third place for Adventure Treff's Fanadventure of the Year.
  • Jan 10: Leylines has been updated to v2.2.
  • Jan 7: Larry Lotter has been translated into German in v1.5.


2009: Internationalization

  • Dec 9: Infinite Monkeys has been translated into German in v1.1.
  • Oct 12: Larry Lotter has been translated into Brazilian Portuguese in v1.4.
  • Oct 6: Visual Integrator has been publically released in v1.0.
  • Oct 5: Vector Vendetta has been updated to v2.2.
  • Oct 3: Quest for Yrolg has been translated into Portuguese in v1.4.
  • Sep 29: Leylines v2.0, the expanded edition, has been released.
  • Sep 26: SubTerra and SubTerra 2, the addictive action/puzzle games, are once again released for Linux.
  • Sep 16: Larry Lotter has been translated into Spanish in v1.3.
  • Sep 3: Quest for Yrolg has been translated into Spanish in v1.3, and now has a Czech voice pack.
  • Aug 2: Vector Vendetta has been updated to the Vengeance Version, v2.0.
  • Jun 17: Root of all Evil has been updated to v1.1.
  • Jun 5: Quest for Yrolg, has been translated into French and Czech in v1.2.
  • Apr 27: Visual Integrator has released internally in v0.9.2.
  • Apr 8: Larry Lotter has been translated into French in v1.2.
  • Apr 5: SubTerra and SubTerra 2 have been updated to v2.6 and v1.4, respectively.
  • Feb 25: Hero6 releases its second public demo.
  • Feb 11: Little Girl in Underland is nominated for an AGS award for best voice acting.

2008: Awards and Updates

  • Dec 21: Quest for Yrolg has been released with a voice pack in v1.1.
  • Dec 16: A Tale of Two Kingdoms now comes with a jukebox application.
  • Nov 16: Vector Vendetta has been updated to v1.1.
  • Sep 25: KATA, the surrealistic sequel to META, has been released.
  • Sep 2: Quest for Yrolg gets second place for S7's Game of the Year 2008.
  • Jul 25: Vector Vendetta, a frantic shooting game, has been released.
  • Jun 16: Quest for Yrolg, an adventure game with a twist, has been released.
  • Mar 25: All download the Hypnotoad!
  • Feb 17: A Tale of Two Kingdoms wins the AGS Awards for best animation, sound, puzzles, and manual.
  • Feb 3: SubTerra and SubTerra 2 have been updated to v2.5 and v1.3, respectively.
  • Jan 12: Games for Windows magazine has a feature on A Tale of Two Kingdoms.
  • Jan 3: GamePro magazine has a feature on A Tale of Two Kingdoms.
  • Jan 2: A Tale of Two Kingdoms wins S7's Game of the Year award for 2007.


2007: A Tale of Two Kingdoms

  • Dec 1: SubTerra appears on TV, courtesy of Locomotion Films.
  • Nov 30: Crystal Shard participates in the 2007 Adventure Developers Online Conference.
  • Nov 24: SubTerra 2 has been updated to v1.2.
  • Nov 18: Larry Lotter has been released with a voice pack in v1.1.
  • Nov 1: PC Zone magazine names A Tale of Two Kingdoms the Freeware Game of the Month.
  • Sep 24: Leylines expanded edition is available as a beta version.
  • Sep 21: Root of all Evil, an adventure game set in Reality On The Norm, has been released.
  • Sep 1: Pixel Hunt, a short joke game, has been released.
  • Sep 1: Multiplex, an explosion-based puzzle game, has been released.
  • Aug 28: A Tale of Two Kingdoms has been updated to v1.2.
  • Aug 25: Adventure Europe offers to host A Tale of Two Kingdoms.
  • Aug 12: Our website has been redesigned into a more modern curvy interface.
  • Jul 29: Quest Fighter 2, a celebrity deathmatch of adventure protagonists, has been released.
  • Jul 15: A Tale of Two Kingdoms, an epic fairy tale adventure game, has been released.
  • Jul 10: CGempire offers to host A Tale of Two Kingdoms.
  • Jan 24: SubTerra 2 has been updated to v1.1.

2006: Experiments

  • Dec 31: A Tale of Two Kingdoms shows a public demo of the introduction sequence.
  • Dec 28: SubTerra 2, a devious action/puzzle game, has been released.
  • Nov 28: Crystal Shard participates in the 2006 Adventure Developers Online Conference.
  • Nov 21: Larry Lotter and the Test of Time has been released.
  • Aug 29: META has been updated to v1.1.
  • Jun 30: The MegaVerb GUI, an add-on for AGS, has been released.
  • Jun 30: Infinite Monkeys, a graphic adventure game for the 5-year MAGS anniversary, has been released.
  • May 26: Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth releases its first public demo.
  • Apr 14: Our website on has been redesigned.
  • Apr 1: Quest Fighter, a celebrity deathmatch of adventure protagonists, has been released by Mortal Wombat.
  • Mar 13: A Tale of Two Kingdoms has a trailer movie available.
  • Jan 16: Hero6 releases its first public demo, alpha 14.


2005: Caravel Games

2004: Fangame Sequels



2003: Leylines

  • Dec 28: Leylines, a fantasy turn-based strategy game, has been released.
  • Dec 19: Binary People offers to publish SubTerra and Leylines.
  • Dec 1: SubTerra has been updated to v2.2.
  • Nov 22: C-Flat, a simple scripting language, has been released.
  • Nov 22: Our website on Liacs has been redesigned.
  • Aug 3: Hollow Earth is officially cancelled.
  • Apr 27: Home of the Underdogs gives a Top Dog award to SubTerra.
  • Apr 1: SubTerra has been updated to the Remastered Edition, v2.0.
  • Mar 1: SubTerra is now available for Linux.
  • Feb 2: Home of the Underdogs gives a Top Dog award to Block-O-Mania.

2002: Web Development

  • Jul 26: Leylines is available as a public alpha version.
  • Jul 16: SubTerra has been updated to v1.3.
  • Feb 28: The prototypical Crystal Shard website launches on Liacs.

2001: SubTerra




The Early Years

  • 2000: Hollow Earth, the predecessor to Leylines, is available as a short playable demo.
  • 2000: PjsGfx, a graphical library for DOS, has been released in November.
  • 2000: Homeland, a role-playing game, has been released by DragonLore on June 15th.
  • 1999: The Creativity Abounds website launches on Liacs.
  • 1999: Spöl, a promotional card game, has been released.
  • 1999: Simplex, our pen-and-paper role playing system, has been released.
  • 1998: Enzado Bricks, a block-based puzzle game, has been released on December 31st.
  • 1998: ADVance, a text adventure engine, has been released.
  • 1996: ElfQuest, an RPG based on the popular comic, is available as a short demo game.
  • 1995: My original Archmage page launches on Geocities, then called GeoPages.
  • 1993: Block-O-Mania, a complex puzzle game, has been released over BBS.